Tikko sākāt jaunu biznesu un vēlaties būt pārliecināts, ka peļņa būs tieši paredzētajā termiņā un esošie resursi būs pietiekami, lai sasniegtu savus mērķus?
Konsultācija Read More »Esat spēcīga holdinga vadītājs un vēlaties optimizēt savu uzņēmumu darbību ar mērķi gūt vēl lielāku peļņu vai plānojat uzlabot savus finanšu rādītājus, lai kļūtu pievilcīgāks investoriem?
Konsultācija Read More »Jūsu pašvaldībā vai NVO nepieciešams uzticams padomdevējs, kas filigrāni pārzina ne tikai biznesa norises, bet arī izprot globālos procesus?
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What are the core functions of financial director?
Agnese Pastare
Agnese Pastare holds a master’s degree in economics and has worked in the field of business for 20 years. She has extensive experience with accounting, financial analysis, business and tax consultations, etc., in the banking, transit, real estate and other sectors. She is also a member of the National Strategy Council of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Mauris quis lacus est. Sed ultricies sapien auctor, lacinia nisi blandit, suscipit nulla. Maecenas lobortis tempus augue sit amet lacinia. In ultricies justo eget volutpat ornare. Suspendisse ut interdum urna. Maecenas a nunc non sem condimentum tempor. Duis id enim faucibus augue feugiat convallis. In convallis molestie mauris, id tempus nisi commodo eu. Donec id ante est. Aenean in ultrices neque, fermentum tincidunt mi. Cras convallis eleifend justo id lobortis. Etiam at massa quis lectus porttitor aliquet eu vel massa. Sed ut augue turpis. Nunc in mollis massa, eu fringilla libero. Aliquam ornare scelerisque velit, non consectetur leo consequat ac. In vel quam ultricies, semper mauris vitae, hendrerit erat. Sed ac mi ac purus eleifend tincidunt.
In 2000-2003, A.Pastare worked in our bank as a credit-specialist and deputy director of Ventspils branch. A bank is a complex and multifaceted system, where Agnese’s systemic personality perfectly fit in. After 2003, we have regularly cooperated in the field of different Agnese’s clients and Agnese’s business spheres. She can motivate a team to achieve long-term goals and notice…
In financial field, inaccuracies and mistakes have a very high price. Furthermore, it is important to know all options – with an aim to choose the most appropriate solution. A shoulder and advice of professionals is crucial; and we highly appreciate current cooperation with Agnese Pastare. Invaluable is Agnese’s professional approach to financial affairs and also being interested about…
I cooperated with Agnese Pastare when I was head of transit-business company LSF Holdings. Together we achieved multimillion revenue; and also together we had to solve crisis situations during the heat wave of the so-called Ventspils transit-business war, taking responsibility for non-standard approach. Agnese is fully trustful and reliable in the field of budget and its control; and…
We are always enthusiastic and positively minded to cooperate with open, sociable and competent experts of their field. For certain, Agnese Pastare is one of them – we have established a successful long-term partnership with her during different seminars and projects. I wish her also in future to continue to justify the trust of clients, offering individualized approach…
PB Finanses is a full service company that offers sophisticated outsourcing of financial services to Latvian and foreign companies. Our clients are experienced multinational corporations, promising start-ups and also professional organizations.
Lielais prospekts 54-9 Ventspils, LV-3601
Phone: +371 29716434
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://www.pbfinanses.lv/
„Eiropas Komisija savās rekomendācijās Latvijas 2016.gada budžetam ir skaidri norādījusi, ka nepieciešams veikt nodokļu sloga